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He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion.
-- Author Unknown


This quote is what drives me, never in your life will you find any creature more loyal then your dog.  I grew up on a farm in north central Alberta, and although I didn’t always have the latest fashion or the newest anything, What I always had was my very own dog, one that would celebrate my good days and kiss away my tears on a bad one.  Our family ran a farm tour program for kids ages 2-12 for 37 years, in tourism and working with livestock, dogs and the public, the one animal that everyone who visited our farm loved were our dogs!


 Everyone had seen dogs being walked or playing in a dog park, or maybe had one in their home, but what stood out was our dogs were loose all the time.  Our pack would happily roll over in a group of 60 kids for belly rubs and kisses when they were done with the love,   would simply find a quiet place have a nap or just people watch.  The excitement when our dogs heard the squeak of a gopher and would all take off, generally never catch anything but they had an enthusiasm unmatched by anything they’d ever seen.  How if in the middle of a hunt all we had to do is call out and they all came running back and would lay down beside us.   


My entire life has revolved around three things family, tourism and dogs.  


Growing up we always had quite a few dogs, I seem to always remember having at least 9 most of the time, our dogs were always seen as family, they slept on couches and beds, checked cows and went on millions of adventures with me and my two younger brothers.  Riding our horses with our dogs by our side on our many quests was the most amazing way to grow up!


Our children have been lucky enough to grow up on a ranch, with the same types of adventures also with loyal dogs by their side!


Now you may wonder how breeding family dogs came into the picture, It started with a pair of French Bulldogs, I had always admired the breed and was approached by a family member about purchasing a registered breeding pair.   We although beautiful and purebred dogs they did not come with the promised papers, we did all the genetic testing required to breed them and found that there was a need for family dogs, not fancy kennel raised show dogs, but healthy, emotionally and physically family pets. 


We fell in love with this idea and we are in such a beautiful place to give a puppy a great start.  As a family we decided this was something we’d like to do.  Raise pups that are for families, I respect purebred breeders who put time and effort into breeding and showing but not everyone is looking for a purebred show dog.


I also have a ton of respect for people who adopt and don’t shop, but not everyone is equipped to deal with the potential emotional issues that a rescue dog may have, a lot but not all, come with unknown histories and require a lot to at least a little bit of work, or they are dealing with a trauma such as losing their pack leader.  It is a very special person who chooses to get a rescue dog, and for that I am thankful!


There are people are seeking a family dog and a best friend, there is an advantage for some to get a puppy they picked and watching it grow up through photos and videos, knowing the parents and history of the puppy to ensure that what they are getting is a lifelong friend with good genetics, care, highly socialized and raised in a loving environment.


That is what we are doing and are going to continue to do, this year we have added a few more dogs to our family and it has gone beyond a hobby level and we have registered business as a small breeding kennel, the dogs sleep on beds, and are always with the family  Raising our dogs on our 460 Ranch is my way of giving our current dogs, that life that every dog would envy, but we also have the opportunity time and space to give our puppies a loving and amazing start to life, they play outside for hours while being watched by someone, they have other dogs of all sizes ( Chihuahua I brought home as a rescue from Mexico all the way up to the dog I dreamt of owning most of my life an Irish wolfhound ) 


We welcome anyone to come out and visit our dogs, enjoy one of our many daily walks, or sit and enjoy what we call puppy parties, its just puppies running around being puppies, until they eventually get tired like puppies do and find a nice warm lap to have a nap on.   Just contact us if you’d like to visit our ranch and our dogs ( sorry no outside dogs, it is how we can ensure that our puppies and dogs are not exposed to anything contagious that could harm them)  People are more then welcome!


We spend hours and hours with our adult dogs and puppies to ensure that you are getting not only getting a physically healthy puppy but one that has come from emotionally and physically healthy parents!  From our family to yours our goal is match people with an amazing, healthy life long companion!




Now this is something I am very passionate about, animals being raised in a loving and ethical environment meeting higher then the minimum standards, because honestly minimum. having a regulated industry (I’d like to see it come to a point where they are inspected and tracked very closely) This is the only way that there will be an end to unethical breeding practices and the shutting down of puppy mills.  I would encourage you to contact Ministry or Agriculture (as this is their department) via email and request better regulations for the pet industry in British Columbia.   Also, if you believe that you have been in contact with a breeder who is not breeding ethically or is a puppy mill do not hesitate to contact your local SPCA, they would much rather find out you were wrong, then not be contacted and have puppies in distress.   Also if a person is an good breeder they will not have an issue showing their animals or animal raising practices to anyone.

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